Nasser Road / Political Posters in Uganda – Kristof Titeca (ed.)

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Anything can be produced and sold along Nasser Road in Kampala, from university degrees to fake identity cards. But one of its main products is posters portraying heads of state and dictators as superpowered fighters – highly charged geopolitical depictions of the struggle against Western imperialism, in which international villains are celebrated as anti-heroes. The United States, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, China, and various African nations are all players in a glorified military-industrial complex. Collector Kristof Titeca presents a selection of posters, with contextual images by Ugandan photographers and an essay by activist Yusuf Serunkuma. This second edition is produced in Uganda.
Kategorie: Knihy
Editor: Kristof Titeca
Nakladatel: The Eriskay Connection
Rok vydání: 2023
ISBN: 9789083357140
Jazyk: anglicky
Počet stran: 64
Typ vazby: brožovaná

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