How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

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How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is an ambitious masterwork of political economy, detailing the impact of slavery and colonialism on the history of international capitalism. In this classic book, Rodney makes the unflinching case that African maldevelopment is not a natural feature of geography, but a direct product of imperial extraction from the continent, a practice that continues up into the present. Meticulously researched, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa remains an unshakably relevant study of the so-called “great divergence” between Africa and Europe, just as it remains a prescient resource for grasping the the multiplication of global inequality today.

In this new edition, Angela Davis offers a striking foreword to the book, exploring its lasting contributions to a revolutionary and feminist practice of anti-imperialism.

Kategorie: Teorie
Autor: Walter Rodney
Nakladatel: Verso Books
Rok vydání: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-78873-118-8
Jazyk: anglicky
Počet stran: 432
Typ vazby: brožovaná

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