






600 items to display
Forgotten Architecture An Archive of Overshadowed Projects
1 100 Kč
In stock (4 pcs)
František Schmoranz Jr. The Architect, Designer and Teacher
750 Kč
In stock (4 pcs)
architect, verb The New Language of Building
325 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies
459 Kč
In stock (1 pcs)
Extrastatecraft The Power of Infrastructure Space
369 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
Designing Disorder Experiments and Disruptions in the City
299 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
Urban Warfare Housing under the Empire of Finance
589 Kč
In stock (1 pcs)
City of Quartz Excavating the Future in Los Angeles
385 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
All Over the Map Writing on Buildings and Cities
779 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
The Uses of Disorder Personal Identity and City Life
299 Kč
In stock (3 pcs)
(Vý)Stavoprojekt Trnava, Trenčín, Piešťany
500 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
Beyond The Threshold Women, Houses, Cities
620 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
Platform Urbanism and Its Discontents
810 Kč
In stock (1 pcs)
Intro HOUSES č. 1
249 Kč
In stock (3 pcs)
Ambice Architektura osmdesátých let
500 Kč
In stock (4 pcs)
Rozhovory Architektura osmdesátých let
500 Kč
In stock (4 pcs)
Nepostavená Architektura osmdesátých let
380 Kč
In stock (4 pcs)
Improvizace The architecture of the eighties
470 Kč
In stock (4 pcs)
Osvěta, kultura, zábava: Kulturní domy v Československu
950 Kč
In stock (>5 pcs)
Intro č. 23 –⁠ Cihla
229 Kč
In stock (>5 pcs)
720 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
Wild Windows
950 Kč
In stock (1 pcs)
Neuroarchitecture Designing High-rise Cities at Eye-level
900 Kč
In stock (1 pcs)
Sedm světel architektury
358 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
Člověk člověku Karel Koch a Dušan Jurkovič
799 Kč
In stock (3 pcs)
980 Kč
In stock (>5 pcs)
Raumplan a současná architektura
799 Kč
In stock (2 pcs)
499 Kč
In stock (>5 pcs)
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600 items total