About Us
ArtMap bookstore
The ArtMap bookstore offers the most up-to-date publications in the fields of art, photography, design, architecture, theory and philosophy. We select books that have an overlap with other fields and contemporary currents of thought, such as ecology, environmentalism or feminism. We care about quality children's literature, to which a whole section is dedicated in our bookshop in Prague. Our team is closely connected to the art and illustration scene, thanks to which you can find a vast selection of original prints, graphics and zines in the store or on the e-shop.
The ArtMap bookstore also contributes to the development and support of art literature through its accompanying programs, which include presentations by independent domestic and foreign publishing houses, art book projects, lectures, book launches, workshops for children, and other events. To stay updated on upcoming events, please follow us on social media.
Phone: +420 703 971 393
E-mail: books@artmap.cz
ArtMap Bookstore in Prague
Vojtěšská 18, 110 00 Praha 1
Mon—Fri 11—19
Sat 12—18
ArtMap Bookstore in TIC Gallery Brno
Radnická 4, 602 00 Brno
Tue—Fri 11—19
Sat 14—19
Artmap, z. s.
Vojtěšská 196/18
Praha 1, 110 00
ID: 22906339 VAT ID: CZ22906339
Account number:
2801199944/2010 Fio banka, a. s., V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1
IBAN: CZ43 2010 0000 0028 0119 9944 SWIFT/BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX
The Artmap association was founded by the brothers Tomáš and Petr Hrůza in 2008. From a printed map – a regularly published printed guide to events on the art scene and exhibitions in Prague and Brno – ArtMap has developed into a platform including a nationwide information website artmap.cz, an e-shop with art books and later also a brick-and-mortar bookstores in Brno (2014) and Prague (2016). They were later joined by the Tapeta Gallery in the foyer of the bookstore in Prague in Vojtěšská street, where artists present a site-specific installation often in conjunction with the publication of their books.. Notable czech artists such as Markéta Othová, Tomáš Vaněk, Kača Olivová, Petr Nikl, Lenka Vítková, and many others have exhibited there.
In addition to presenting and selling books, ArtMap also publishes them. Since 2015, the ArtMap publishing house has focused on author’s art books, unexplored topics in the field of art, and current publications by Czech and foreign authors dedicated to art theory and contemporary visual culture. More information and all books from the ArtMap publishing house can be found here.
The newest project, art re use, was launched in 2021 in cooperation with the Skutek association. It is a warehouse for recycled art and gallery materials, located in Žižkov, Prague. The warehouse facilitates the recycling, distribution, and transformation of used gallery and art materials.