Decolonizing Nature Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology

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Ekologie se do hledáčku dějin umění dostala až s hrozící klimatickou změnou a zničením životního prostředí. Kniha od historika umění T. J. Demose představuje příspěvek na průsečíku dějin umění, ekologie, vizuální kultury, geografie a enviromentální politiky. V angličtině.  


While ecology has received little systematic attention within art history, its visibility and significance has grown in relation to the threats of climate change and environmental destruction. By engaging artists’ widespread aesthetic and political engagement with environmental conditions and processes around the globe—and looking at cutting-edge theoretical, political, and cultural developments in the Global South and North—Decolonizing Nature offers a significant, original contribution to the intersecting fields of art history, ecology, visual culture, geography, and environmental politics. Art historian T. J. Demos, author of Return to the Postcolony: Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Art (2013), considers the creative proposals of artists and activists for ways of life that bring together ecological sustainability, climate justice, and radical democracy, at a time when such creative proposals are urgently needed.

Kategorie: Teorie
Autor: T. J. Demos
Nakladatel: SternbergPress
Rok vydání: 2016
ISBN: 978-3-95679-094-2
Jazyk: anglicky
Počet stran: 296
Typ vazby: brožovaná

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